Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Scooby Does... Making Friends

Yesterday, the rest of the family brought home a new cat. Disaster. He's a decent guy, but given half the chance he will chase and then savagely throw me about while feasting on my tiny pea-sized brain. His name is Merlin, and he poses such a threat that my cage has to be surrounding with mugs so that he can't get to me. That's the thing with cats, they don't know how good they have it. There's no one in their house who will try and rip them to pieces with their teeth and nom on their intestines. There's no one in their house to jump up unexpected, and glare at you through the bars of your cage.

So yeah, there's now a brand new force which lives with the intention to end my existence. Great. If you don't hear from me for a while, blame this guy, selfish ginger.

Look at him. Plotting ways to end my life. We might be friends though, if he stops trying to kill me, which let's face it, is the basis of most of my friendships. 

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Scooby Does... Total Wipeout

Because Total Wipeout is presented by my favourite presenter Richard Hammond, I decided to have a go. 

There should be nothing wrong with a fully grown hamster watching humans throw themselves off of giant red balls... :P. This is why I decided to have another go on the Total Wipeout course that was made for me. After some painstaking hours spent re-designing the course after I fell off the top and got stuck in a hurdle (one sesame seed too much maybe?), the finished course was created.

 At first I was crap. But I soon got the hang of it, after a few more tries. Unfortunately Richard Hammond wasn't available to present my attempt at this hamster Total Wipeout obstacle course, nor was  the channel Watch able to produce it. Therefore, using a pretty crap camera and iMovie, we have created our own video of the escapade. 

Nibbles and Squeaks :)